How To Avoid Committing Plagiarism

Plagiarism is one of the worst things for students and business. It’s easy to find information about any topic, but it’s not good to copy that information for your purposes.  Follow some steps while writing articles, research papers and assignments etc.

How To Avoid Committing Plagiarism

Plan Your Title And Idea

Planning about title is the most important step that you do before starting. Think about your title and also think from where you have to collect the information. Do plan how to collect the information.

Know What Plagiarism Is

Before starting any work or content you must know what plagiarism is and what the rules for writing are. It is a good starting point. You need to know what the penalties for plagiarism are. You should use plagiarism checker tools to check either it is duplicate content or unique before including to your site.


Read the original data two or three times and understand it properly. Now you have to write yourself about this topic/idea, but you can’t put the original data. You have to read the unfamiliar words (from original content) carefully so that you get the main idea about the topic.

Read carefully and check either it is giving the original meaning, but the words should not be too close to the words of original one otherwise it will count as a duplicate content. Check it through a reliable Plagiarism checker tool. By following this tip you can avoid committing plagiarism.


Citing is a way you tell your readers from where you took this data/information. Means you give information about the author and writer, when this information was published, what is the title of the work, by whom this information was published. So that if your reader wants to find that source he/she can find it easily. This is important to know how to avoid committing plagiarism. The benefits of citing are:

  • It shows the amount of research work you have done.
  • By giving the credit to the real person you can avoid committing plagiarism.
  • It is helpful for your readers, they can find out more about your ideas.


Quoting is used when you copy the data word to word form other’s work. You must use quotation marks with the complete reference of the author without any changes. By adopting this tip you can avoid committing plagiarism.

Citing Quotes

Citing quoting is little bit different from quoting and citing. Citing quotes involves the addition of page number or paragraph number too.

Citing Your Own Material

Once you have posted a material, it will be treated just like any other material on internet and you cannot use it without citing. If you don’t do this it will called self-plagiarism which is also not acceptable. By citing your own material, you can avoid committing plagiarism.


When you’re using the work of someone else you must add all the information about all sources and author. Referencing is a way to identify the real author. By this you can avoid committing plagiarism and your content will not count as a duplicate content.

Use Plagiarism Checker Tools

After writing use a reliable and best plagiarism checker tool to check your content. Plagiarism Checker tools clarify that is it is not a duplicate content but unique one.