Targeting the Audience for Your Content and Ads in WordPress Blog

After creating a WordPress website or blog there is a big task to grow your WordPress blog SEO audience faster. To get more people on your blog you need to increase your reach.  It means attracting your targeted traffic to your blog is a main purpose. Targeting the Audience for Your Content and Ads in… continue reading.

Keeping Your Website and Your Online Presence Secure

With the growing number of high profile security, many people are taking interests in securing their online presence. Here are some steps for keeping your website and your online presence secure. Keeping Your Website and Your Online Presence Secure Manage Your Smartphone Settings Open your geo location settings on your mobile device. Check your geo location… continue reading.

How to Build a Blog That Google Will Love – Blog SEO

Search Engine Optimization can help bloggers. Every writer wants to rank well in organic search. Here our goal is to help and guide the bloggers to understand that SEO is just a simple thing. Once you learn to build a blog then it becomes natural for you. Most bloggers struggle on keyword targeting. Here are… continue reading.

10 Excellent SEO Tips That Will Improve Your Web Design

An attractive website design is important. It’s important especially for those businesses trying to find success online so fast.  If your site gets a chance to rank in search engine but has not an attractive look or user-friendly interface, user will leave it. With a good rank it’s also important that your website should be… continue reading.

What is Cold Email and is it Spam?

Cold email is that email which is sent to business people that has no direct relationship with you. Cold emails are different from Spam Mails. But if you do not follow proper procedure then a cold email could become a spam email. Here the question arises if the cold email is a spam email or… continue reading.

Tips for Facebook Live Video to Promote Your Business

Facebook is putting a huge importance on live videos and offers the biggest audience. Going live on Facebook is tricky, you can promote your business/product by going live on Facebook. Millions of people use Facebook so Facebook is a best source to get traffic, but before it you need to follow the Tips for Facebook… continue reading.

WordPress SEO: Starter Guide to Get on the First Page of Search Engines

SEO is a process of improving the traffic quality to your website from any search engine, because creating a website is not as such difficult but getting traffic on it, is a big task. Searches can be of different type like image search, local search, video search or article search. If you want to see… continue reading.

10 Most Demanding Digital Marketing Services to Rank Your Site

Digital marketing is the most demanded service and SEO practice to rank your site and business in todays’ internet era. It is essential and increasingly being used by most small and big businesses and platforms. Here you will read about 10 most demanding digital marketing services to rank your site through which a business or… continue reading.

Top 10 Ways to Boost the SEO of Your WordPress Site

Create a website on WordPress is easy but managing and properly optimizing it, is a difficult task. WordPress is a best platform for SEO. SEO is a process of improving the ranking and search traffic of a website.  For a good status of SEO it is important to optimize your website for search engines. Without… continue reading.

WordPress vs BlogSpot: Which Is Better and Why?

BlogSpot and WordPress both are best established blogging platforms. People use these platforms to create websites and blogs for their business and other purposes. But the question is WordPress vs BlogSpot: Which Is Better and Why? Answer of this question is a difficult task, because best platform depends on your needs and priorities. Here I… continue reading.