Content Rank Fast in Google

How To Write SEO-Friendly Content for Fast Ranking in Google?

Plagiarism checker helps to provide plagiarism free content. Making SEO friendly content is important for beginners because they have to provide awesome content to their visitors and Google bots too. The problem for beginners is to understand the whole SEO. Content that you are writing in your content is always considered as a King because without content your blog is nothing. The question arise is How To Write Content Rank Fast in Google – Plagiarism Checker.

Plagiarism Checker

If you are using unique and original content in your post then Google may rank your content fast. Google is very expert in identifying duplicate content and there is no reason for them to rank a web page with copied content. For fast Google ranking uniqueness of the content is very important. Here the question arise is how do you ensure that your content is unique? You can use different free plagiarism checker tools to check plagiarism.

Content Rank Fast in Google - Plagiarism Checker

Content Rank Fast in Google

Keyword Research:

Keyword Research is an important thing because it is the most important factor that determines your SEO ranking. Keywords Research is very important to get the loads of organic traffic.

Unique and Original Content:

The text of your content should not be copied from some other source. If you write original and unique content then Google may rank your post. Google is very good in identifying duplicate content and there is no reason behind to rank a copied content. You can use plagiar checker tools to check your content.

Attractive Titles:

Title plays a very important role in SEO friendly content. If your content have attractive title then visitors more likely to click on your article. You can find information  about How To Write SEO-Friendly Content for Fast Ranking in Google  here.

Adding Images In The Content:

Adding images in your content gets the reader’s attention. Many people search their content through images. If you put images in your post then your post will get extra traffic.

Adding videos in content:

Adding videos in your article is also important. Making video and adding that in your content may rank your post well. You have to add your post link in description section from where you will get free back links.
