How Long Does It Take Google to Index a New Site?

The entire process of indexing is handled by Google’s search algorithm and bots like Google bot. Every few months when Google updates its algorithm, SEO experts and content writers jump to figure it out and keep improving their search rank. It’s important to know for SEO professionals how long does it take Google to index a new site.

There is no set timetable for a new site how quickly it will be indexed by Google or how high it will climb. It can take several days or sometimes even months for Google to index a new site. It entirely depends on the age of your site domain and the authority your site has. When you create a new site it passes through different processes for search engine indexing.

How Long Does It Take Google to Index a New Site

How Long Does It Take Google to Index a New Site?

For search engine indexing, first your site passes through crawling. When you create or update your site bots or spiders start crawling. These bots start by crawling the pages of your site, then it continues indexing the content which you have updated on your site and then it visits the links that are found in your site.

After crawling, search engine indexing process starts. In this process all the information is listed which crawler has collected. All the webpages are placed into Google search and at the end process of search engine ranking starts. For all these processes it takes time to index your new website but if you want to index it faster you can try some SEO techniques.

For fast search engine indexing first of all you need to submit your sitemap to Google search console and submit your link directly to the search engines. Link your new pages with older or already ranking pages. Get other sites to link your pages. Create a blog and update it regularly. Create an RSS feed for telling search engines there is something new. Try to publish guest posting to aware people that there is something new happening. You can post you content on related forums also submit press release with links. Install Google analytics which will help to tell Google that you are active. You can share your links or contents on social media to engage people. These are some SEO techniques by following which you can get fast search engine indexing.