Preventing Plagiarism While Writing a Research Document

In a research paper, you have to come up with your own ideas while at the same time referring to the work that has been done by some others to avoid plagiarism. But how do you know where your thoughts are and start your own ideas? What is the right way to integrate fonts into your work?

Preventing Plagiarism While Writing a Research Document

Preventing Plagiarism While Writing a Research Document

Organize your paper

Properly planning their role is the first and most important step you can take to avoid plagiarism. If you know you intend to use other sources of information, you need to plan how you intend to include in the document. This means that the development of a balance between ideas taken from other sources and their original ideas. Writing a contour or submitting a statement of the thesis that clearly formulating a discussion of the information you find will help to establish the boundaries between your ideas and those of their sources.

Take effective notes

One of the best ways to prepare a research document is by taking detailed notes from all sources to have much of the information organized before you start writing. On the other hand, the poor note taking can lead to many problems – including improper and misquoting appointments, which are plagiarism! To avoid confusion between the sources try using different fonts, pen colors for everyone, and be sure to clearly distinguish their ideas they have found elsewhere to avoid plagiarism in research papers. Also, make a habit of marking page numbers and make instant records of bibliographic record information.

Writing the document

Of course you want to get credit for your own ideas. And you do not want your instructor to think that you have all the information somewhere. But if it is unclear whether the idea in your journal actually came from you, or if you’ve got somewhere and just changed a bit, you should always quote your source. Instead of weakening its role and making it seem to have fewer original ideas, it really strengthens its role:

A show that is not just copying other ideas but that is the elaboration and addition to them, provide external support to ideas that are entirely their own, and highlight the originality of their ideas, making a clear distinction between them and ideas obtained elsewhere

 Know how to reformulate

A paraphrase is a reaffirmation of the ideas of another person in his own words. Changing some words from the original prayer does not make your writing a legitimate paraphrase. You need to edit both the words and the structure of the sentence of the original, without changing the content to avoid plagiarism. Also it should note that paraphrased passages require quotation because ideas came from another source, even though they putting them in their own words.The purpose of paraphrasing is not to make it seem that you are drawing less directly from other sources or reducing the number of quotes in your article. This is a common misunderstanding between students who need to hide the fact that they rely on other sources to avoid plagiarism in research papers. In fact, it is beneficial to point out that other sources support their own ideas. Using quality sources to support their ideas makes them look stronger and more valid. A good paraphrase makes ideas from the original source perfectly fit into your article, highlighting the most important points and leaving related information. 

Analyze and evaluate the sources

Not all sources on the web are worth quoting – in fact many of them are just wrong. So, how do you say the good apart? To get started, make sure you fill out the page where they got their information, and when the authors wrote it (this information is also an important step to avoid plagiarism in research paper). So it is necessary to determine the credibility that the source feels is: how well they support their ideas, the quality of writing, the accuracy of the information provided, etc