SEO Mistakes Hurt Your Blog


Millions of bloggers are publishing posts on their blogs and there are also millions of writers, writing for various blogs across the web. One of the clear facts that new bloggers learn quickly is that not all the blogs and blog posts get equal attention. On a specific blog, some blog posts get more attention than others posts of the same blog. There are also some blog posts that always get more traffic than other posts. The amount of traffic of your blog depends on social media and SEO.

Social media covers the sharing parts and growing an audience on your provided link or website. Understanding SEO is important because it is a big opportunity for traffic. Some of the sites get thousands of daily users and traffic from SEO. Some people do common SEO mistakes and due to these mistakes that cannot get their desire traffic. SEO is not exactly the do or die stage of a blog. To get a high rank of your website and blog you need to do efforts for it.

SEO Mistakes Hurt Your Blog

SEO Mistakes Hurt Your Blog

Not Knowing the Difference Between http and https

All the web owners and users think that http and https are two same things and that is the main problem. Http and https are two different things for search engines. Search engines consider as two different websites with identical content, and the content which is posted on it is considered as a duplicate content. As a result of plagiarism SEO ranking will go down for both http and https versions of the same site. So you can change your blog’s URL.

Not Having Meta Tags for Your Blog Posts

Not having Meta tags for your blog posts is one of the biggest SEO Mistakes Hurt Your Blog search ranking. Search engines have a big responsibility in organizing billions of blog posts that are based on popularity and also based on keywords. So there should be Meta tags that include keywords and popular words so that search engine can pick up on them and promote that content.

Not submitting your Blog’s Sitemap to Google

It is also one of the reasons and SEO mistakes why your blog posts do not get a desired traffic. Because your site is not indexed by Google. You should submit your blog’s sitemap to Google because a sitemap presents all of the content of your blog in such a way that Google can easily read it. It will also allow to index your posts.

Not Improving Your Blog’s Bounce rate

Not improving your blog’s bounce rate is one of the SEO mistakes. Because your blog’s bounce rate allows search engines to identify how interesting your blog is. As your bounce rate is increasing it means you are getting more visitors to your site. High bounce rate is bad for SEO.
