The Ugly Truth About Duplicate Content & Its Impact on Your SEO

Duplicate content is that content which is copied form some other site and posted on different sites. Google is very sharp in finding the duplicate content sites. Your copied content has a very little chance to rank on the search result pages. Here the question arise is what does Google do with the duplicate content. …

Duplicate Content Checker with Free Plagiarism Checker Tool

Firstly we need to define that what is Duplicate content. Duplicate content is that content which appears on internet more than one time. When one content is available on more than two sites on Google then it can be difficult for search engines to decide which version is more relevant to given search query. For …

How To Use Google For Duplicate Content Detection

Duplicate content refers to that content which is copied from some other site and that content is posted by some other person on his site. Duplication is a spam act. As you can understand from Google definition, Google identifies two types of instances of duplicate content. The issue for duplicate content is real one of …

The Myth Of The Duplicate Content Penalty

Firstly we need to know about the word duplicate content. People with no SEO experience use this phrase all the time. Most people have not read Google guidelines on duplicate content. Duplicate content means appearance of a content more than one place. It can be difficult for search engines to decide which version is more …

Duplicate Content SEO Advices from Google In 2017

Duplicate Content is the content which completely matches with the other content from Google. All SEO experts need to have strong knowledge on duplicate content SEO advices from Google in 2017. Google cannot penalize your site, but if your content which is published is copied then Google will never let your post rank in search …

Understanding Plagiarism and Its Dangers

Before starting any work or writing it’s compulsory to know what is plagiarism and its dangers. Because knowing about Plagiarism is most important either you’re working as a student or businessman. Actually Plagiarism is related to theft it means you’re stealing someone else’s work and using it without giving credit to the real author or …

Harms of Plagiarism – SEO Advice

Plagiarism is harmful; it can damage you personally, professionally, ethically and legally. Copyright laws are applied for plagiarists. It can harm to students, professional, authors, writers, journalists and many others. To be successful in university exams, generate a winning journal report and keep good SEO status of your website, you must have knowledge about Harms …

Best Tools for Identifying Duplicate Content

Plagiarism is a prerequisite to punitive measure that can be avoided. This has led developers to come up with software that is geared to detect and correct where necessary. Some go out of their way to provide guidance to their users on how to avoid the pit that is plagiarism. Today, we will look at …

25 SEO Techniques To Promote Your Website

In the cyber jungle, getting traffic to your website can be daunting task. More and more sites continue to come up every day making the competition tough but it does not have to be so. Here you can read about 25 SEO techniques to promote your website. 25 SEO Techniques To Promote Your Website Impeccable …

Can Plagiarism Hurt Your SEO?

Plagiarism is not good in any way. It does not only affect your SEO but also affects the ranking of your website. Due to plagiarism a ranked website gets a bad reputation on google, so due to plagiarism your SEO gets hurt. Google doesn’t like a copied or duplicate content, that’s why Plagiarism Hurts Your …