Google Duplicate Content Penalty – SEO Advice

Google has many problems; one of them is called duplicate content. Duplicate content means similar content taken from different websites of Google. So search engine not know which URL to show in the result. The issue of duplicate content is a main issue for webmasters. If you duplicate the content from other sites, your web …

How to Recover From Any Google Penalty?

If you are running a site and Google detect some unusual acts on your site then it penalizes your site. If your site has been penalized, don’t take tension. There are some tools for the recovery from penalty and make your site to stay away from Google penalty box. A Google penalty puts negative effect …

Top 10 Shameful SEO Mistakes

When web masters build a site, sometimes they are not focusing on SEO rules. If you follow the rules and regulations of SEO then your post may rank well. You should follow SEO techniques to rank your post. The internet is the most appealing thing. You must be careful for being victim of SEO mistakes …

How to Identify a Google Penalty

Google penalty is one of the worst things which waste all your efforts you have done to get a desire rank of your website. You can recover it but it takes some time. Here are some ways to identify a google penalty 1- Check Your Website Traffic If you feel your visitors are dropped down …

Understanding Plagiarism and Its Dangers

Before starting any work or writing it’s compulsory to know what is plagiarism and its dangers. Because knowing about Plagiarism is most important either you’re working as a student or businessman. Actually Plagiarism is related to theft it means you’re stealing someone else’s work and using it without giving credit to the real author or …

Plagiarism Cannot Be Tolerated

Plagiarism cannot be condoned or expected in any section of education process. When you are writing an article, journal, or research paper, you must focus that your data should be plagiarized. Plagiarism by definition is immoral and unethical. Plagiarism Cannot Be Tolerated in any assignment. There are many Plagiarism Checking Tools to check the duplicate …

Harms of Plagiarism – SEO Advice

Plagiarism is harmful; it can damage you personally, professionally, ethically and legally. Copyright laws are applied for plagiarists. It can harm to students, professional, authors, writers, journalists and many others. To be successful in university exams, generate a winning journal report and keep good SEO status of your website, you must have knowledge about Harms …

SEO Mistakes That Hinder Your Rankings in Google

Ethics and plagiarism go hand in hand. Plagiarism is that when you are presenting other’s work as your own. Boosting your website or blog is an important part of your marketing strategy. There are some common SEO mistakes that are not easy to avoid. Let’s talk about some common SEO mistakes that you should avoid. …

25 SEO Techniques To Promote Your Website

In the cyber jungle, getting traffic to your website can be daunting task. More and more sites continue to come up every day making the competition tough but it does not have to be so. Here you can read about 25 SEO techniques to promote your website. 25 SEO Techniques To Promote Your Website Impeccable …

Can Plagiarism Hurt Your SEO?

Plagiarism is not good in any way. It does not only affect your SEO but also affects the ranking of your website. Due to plagiarism a ranked website gets a bad reputation on google, so due to plagiarism your SEO gets hurt. Google doesn’t like a copied or duplicate content, that’s why Plagiarism Hurts Your …