5 Mobile SEO Techniques To Pay Attention To In 2017

On low end smart phones you can easily search web and open any website. Mobile SEO is very essential element of SEO. Mobile SEO is not really different from SEO. Essential ingredient of any SEO strategy is maximizing search traffic from all types of web devices.

5 Mobile SEO Techniques To Pay Attention To In 2017

5 Mobile SEO Techniques To Pay Attention To In 2017

Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

There are websites which are not mobile friendly. These websites may experience a drop in the search ranking. There are some factors which can make a website mobile friendly which includes touch optimized links, large fonts. You can use mobile friendliness test tool to check how your website meets mobile friendly requirement. It is one of the 5 mobile SEO techniques to pay attention in 2017.

Use Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Accelerated Mobile pages must support your website. Google has recently launched AMP versions of websites in search results. There are 5 mobile SEO techniques to pay attention to in 2017. Through AMP, you can easily get prominent look and feel in search result which can give you more traffic on your website.

Avoid App Install Interstitial Banners Obscuring Content

Many companies which are running mobile apps may need to push app downloads as much as possible but Google feels this technique is harmful. Here you can see 5 mobile SEO techniques to pay attention to in 2017. Google only pay attention to search results which use app install interstitial banners. This app forces the user to dismiss the banner to view the actual and relevant search.

Make Your Website Fast and Lightweight

The average size of a website is more than 2MB. While making your website, you always need to pay attention on the file size that you send to mobile users or tablet users. Making your website fast and light weight is one of the 5 mobile SEO techniques to pay attention to in 2017.

Signal The Relationship Between Different Versions Of Your Website

By using dynamic serving URLs, you can easily send different versions of your website to your users. Separate URL does not harm your SEO. There are 5 mobile SEO techniques to pay attention to in 2017. You must make sure that your desktop website is equal to mobile website. It becomes a key consideration when Google makes its mobile and desktop index separate.