How to identify and Recover from Google’s Manual and Algorithmic Penalties

For online businesses search engine traffic is much important to achieve the high rank in search engines. But gut getting traffic is not enough to get a desired rank there is need to do more work to achieve your purpose. For this purpose marketers and businessman use different tricks and follow different SEO techniques. For example they start to build links or social media activities, but they just start these activities to achieve their purpose but most of them don’t know how to perform these activities. That’s why most of their websites get penalizes by google search engine, because they don’t follow Google’s guidelines. Some of these websites get manual penalties and others get algorithmic penalties.

How to identify and Recover from Google’s Manual and Algorithmic Penalties

How to identify and Recover from Google’s Manual and Algorithmic Penalties

When you get penalized by google search engine now the main task is How to identify and Recover from Google’s Manual and Algorithmic Penalties? When you see suddenly your site traffic has been drop and you have also lost your desire position it means you have been penalized by search engine. There are two main penalties you can get from google search engine. The first one is manual penalty and the second one is algorithmic penalty. Now the question is how to identify from Google’s manual and algorithmic penalties? If you get manual penalty you will surely receive a manual action against your website. To find out it, go to google webmaster tools and check is there any new notification. If you find a message in “manual actions” it means this message is sent by google team and you’re facing manual penalty. But if you don’t see any new notification check algorithm updates. You can check algorithm updates by using algorithm tracking tools. Algorithm penalty comes when you use low quality or duplicate content on your site or your website has over optimizes anchor text. Algorithm tracking tools help us to check the targeting website.

If you find out the type of penalty now you need to recover it. Here’s another question arise how to recover from Google’s manual and algorithmic penalties?

To recover from google penalties, find and identify the backlinks that caused your ranking to drop. Once you identify the links try to remove them. You can find the backlinks by using different tools. You can create an email with your request to remove these links. For manual penalty check the security issues and look for other compromised files on your site, try to use fetch as google tool to remove the malicious content.  To recover the algorithmic penalty look very closely at the date on which your traffic began decline. Delete and unfollow the effected pages. Try to use a quality and unique content.

These are some guidelines that will help you to know How to identify and Recover from Google’s Manual and Algorithmic Penalties?